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Writer's pictureTim Damon

Trust The Process

How often do we hear – “Trust the process” or “It’s about the journey, not the destination…”? Maybe we have heard it so much that we actually stop hearing it anymore or maybe we are at a point where we are really starting to feel the truth in that statement. Wherever you are in your process, bear with me a bit longer, hear me out.

Yes, trusting the process can be difficult, especially if you have been conditioned to want to be at the destination yesterday. I get it. What I also get is that the process is where the magic happens, where the dials of the mind turn, where we meet ourselves again and again, where we rise, where we fall, where we come out the other side of whatever experience we were having a little stronger and maybe a little clearer. Think of the process as the arena of your life. If you are working toward something, whether it’s a new job, a wellness goal, a new romantic partner, or maybe a new lifestyle, when you set that intention and begin moving in alignment with that desire, life starts to unfold in very interesting ways. Allow me to share my own process with you…

In 2022, I uprooted my life on the east coast where I had lived my whole life and travelled to Ontario to visit friends. I had been living nomadically for a few months at this time and wasn’t feeling particularly tethered to the east coast anymore. A call from within was urging me to leave and so that’s what I did. I honestly, didn’t know how long I’d be here or what I’d find, but I remember clearly saying to a dear friend about a week since arriving that my intention in being here was to heal and listen to God. It wasn’t long before I ended up deciding to stick around when an apartment came available. I became a client of a wonderful medical intuitive friend who lived in the unit above me and enrolled in Kundalini yoga teacher training, a practice which helps us tune into our inner teacher and listen to God within. Since setting my intention and trusting the process that was unfolding, I have become much more clear and happier in my head as a result.

Whenever I feel doubtful of the direction I am headed or begin to notice myself gripping on to expectations I’ve created for myself, I close my eyes, go inward, and I hear this simple but profound word whispering to me – Trust.

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