About Tim
Curious ~ Open-Hearted ~ Insightful
I am by nature a very curious and playful person. I live life in accordance to my own light and truth. I love to inspire others through meaningful dialogue and deep listening. In today's modern age with all of its fast moving parts, quiet and peaceful reflective times are so incredibly important to bring us back to a state of balance so that we can become clear as to how to move forward. I believe that a space held in the spirit of sincere connection is truly sacred and instrumental for healing on a deep level. My trainings in yoga, Tantra, meditation, energy work, integral facilitation, and holistic coaching have supported me in cultivating a steady mind and calm presence. This presence is what I bring to all of sessions with clients and is what helps hold the container for transformative insight, peace, and grounded clarity.​
Enjoy a peaceful meditation to help you reset....

My Story
I grew up in a small blue-collar city on the east coast of Canada. As a child, I was always incredibly playful and imaginative. I relished my time in the woods and saw a very magical cord running through the natural world, one that seemed both of this world and otherworldly. I was also very sensitive and quiet. This was just my nature. While for the most part I had a happy childhood, due to my sensitive, quiet nature, I was often the target for name calling and bullying which made me very reluctant to speak up in a room or assert myself in anyway. I was much more comfortable blending in and being quiet. It was safer that way.
Flash-forward to later in life when I was19 years old. It was then I had the realization that I was gay. I remember sitting on my bedroom floor in tears because I wanted so desperately to “be normal” *insert white picket fence with wife and two point five children*. It took a while but slowly, I came to terms with my sexual orientation and began coming out, first to friends and then to family who lovingly accepted me. This was such a big part in my growth as a human. For me, coming out was about self-acceptance, courage, self-love, feeling deserving of love, deserving to exist.
It wasn’t long after my coming out of the closet that I discovered holistic healing and yoga. I began researching and studying these modalities which brought a great deal of healing and inner peace to my world. I also explored having my own business for a time, offering mobile reflexology and energy work sessions for clients. What I didn’t realize at that time was how much this work would create such a strong and profound lens on how I perceived the world around me. As I began to tend to my inner landscape through these practices, I experienced a richness and depth I hadn’t felt into since I was a child. It felt like I was coming home to myself in many ways and a wisdom that was there from day one.
Years passed and in 2018, I began studying Tantra. And like many Westerners, I came to Tantra through the experience of sacred sexuality (Neo-Tantra) but after that exploration, I began to realize that Tantra is more than the sexy stuff. It is about merging our physical experience with our infinite, divine selves. It’s also about working with the energetic polarities of masculine and feminine – within and outside us. And I mean masculine and feminine in an energetic way, not as many may perceive these experiences through the lens of social constructs and gender ideas. Masculine does not mean strong and feminine does not mean weak. This understanding of the energetic dance within has helped me to address my inner imbalance – that little boy who was too afraid to stand his ground, assert himself and stick his neck out. I began doing things to expand my inner masculine. One of these practices was Kundalini Yoga, a yogic practice which works to heal the subconscious programs, social conditionings, and trainings handed down by society which I was bringing into my current experience of reality, many of which were still holding me back, and keeping me safe out of a deep-seated fear of upsetting others. I also began attending Crossfit classes which have been the perfect outlet for me to release years of stuck emotion, mostly repressed anger, not to mention getting stronger in body, mind, and spirit. As my masculine and feminine came into balance, I learned through my experience what it felt to truly live in union within. In doing this work, I have untangled years of stuck emotion and have been actively releasing things I’ve repressed out of fear of rocking the boat. The result has been greater peace, stability, and a deep, unwavering trust in the Divine, in God.
What I will say as I close this piece is that this journey and our unfolding are unending. My intention is to serve in a way that inspires and uplifts others on their own journeys of expansion. The truth dwells inside each of us and I am so excited to partner with you as you move closer to it so that you can live in accordance with the truth of who you are.